Hi Rajiv,

I'd recommend you this nice tool for generating Rust structs from Avro
schema: https://github.com/lerouxrgd/rsgen-avro

$ cat q.avsc
   1   │ {
   2   │   "type": "record",
   3   │   "name": "Abcd",
   4   │   "fields": [
   5   │     {"name": "b", "type": ["null", "bytes"], "default": null}
   6   │   ]
   7   │ }


cat q.rs
   1   │
   2   │ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, serde::Deserialize,
   3   │ #[serde(default)]
   4   │ pub struct Abcd {
   5   │     pub b: Option<Vec<u8>>,
   6   │ }
   7   │
   8   │ #[inline(always)]
   9   │ fn default_abcd_b() -> Option<Vec<u8>> { None }
  10   │
  11   │ impl Default for Abcd {
  12   │     fn default() -> Abcd {
  13   │         Abcd {
  14   │             b: default_abcd_b(),
  15   │         }
  16   │     }
  17   │ }

On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 10:05 AM Rajiv M Ranganath <
rajiv.rangan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to Avro. When I have an Arvo schema of the form,
> ```
> record Abcd {
>     union { null, bytes } efgh = null;
> }
> ```
> What would be the corresponding Rust struct?
> I tried
> ```
> #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
> struct Abcd {
>     efgh: Option<Vec<u8>>,
> }
> ```
> But for some reason, `apache_avro::from_value` is giving an
> `Err(DeserializeValue("not an array"))` error.
> Best,
> Rajiv

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