
I see that that java Avro compatibility check doesn't work as per
specification for enum schema evolution. I have a the following schema

>   "type" : "record",
>   "name" : "TestEnumRec",
>   "namespace" : "com.five9.avro.enum.test",
>   "fields" : [ {
>     "name" : "enumType",
>     "type" : {
>       "type" : "enum",
>       "name" : "EnumType",
>       "symbols" : [ "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6" ]
>     }
>   } ]
> }

And another version of the same schema

>   "type" : "record",
>   "name" : "TestEnumRec",
>   "namespace" : "com.five9.avro.enum.test",
>   "fields" : [ {
>     "name" : "enumType",
>     "type" : {
>       "type" : "enum",
>       "name" : "EnumType",
>       "symbols" : [ "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7" ]
>     }
>   } ]
> }

 These schemas show as compatible for mutual read

This is not in line with what the specification says

>    -
>    if both are enums: if the writer’s symbol is not present in the
>    reader’s enum and the reader has a default value, then that value is used,
>    otherwise an error is signalled.
I have tried this in Avro 1.9.1 and 1.11.1. Is this a bug?  If not, what am
I doing wrong?

Appreciate reponses


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