Hi Benjamin, It's a bit related to the Metric discussion on the dev@ mailing list.
Today, we leverage the monitoring and management provided by the execution engine of the runner.
For instance, with the Spark runner, we can use the "regular" history server, codehale reporter, etc. It's also possible to explicitly use a sink/fn to send data to a backend (Graphite, elasticsearch, ...).
We are now discussing about a agnostic way of "pushing" metric to a backend (something similar to what Karaf Decanter provides).
Regards JB On 03/02/2017 04:13 PM, Stadin, Benjamin wrote:
Hi, I’m trying to collect a list of open source monitoring and management tools for Beam and supported runners. What do you use in your daily routine, and what’s your experience? Regards Ben
-- Jean-Baptiste Onofré jbono...@apache.org http://blog.nanthrax.net Talend - http://www.talend.com