Hi ,

I am writing a streaming pipeline in Apache beam using spark runner.
Use case : To join the multiple kafka streams using windowed collections.
I use GroupByKey to group the events based on common business key and that
output is used as input for Join operation. Pipeline run on direct runner
as expected but on Spark cluster(v2.1), it throws the Accumulator error.
*"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed:
copyAndReset must return a zero value copy"*

I tried the same pipeline on Spark cluster(v1.6), there it runs without any
error but doesn't perform the join operations on the streams .

I got couple of questions.

1. Does spark runner support spark version 2.x?

2. Regarding the triggers, currently only ProcessingTimeTrigger is
supported in Capability Matrix
can we expect to have support for more trigger in near future sometime soon
? Also, GroupByKey and Accumulating panes features, are those supported for
spark for streaming pipeline?

3. According to the documentation, Storage level
set to IN_MEMORY for streaming pipelines. Can we configure it to disk as

4. Is there checkpointing feature supported for Spark runner? In case if
Beam pipeline fails unexpectedly, can we read the state from the last run.

It will be great if someone could help to know above.

Thanks & Regards,
Nishu Tayal

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