Hello fellow Apache Beam users,

I am trying to copy datastore entities to a PostgreSQL instance. As I don't need each fields, I performed projections following [this snippet][1]. I build the following query:

    public static Query DatastoreQuery() {
        Query.Builder query = Query.newBuilder();

        // Add filter
        query.setFilter(makeFilter("bar", PropertyFilter.Operator.EQUAL, makeValue("fuz")));

        // Add projections

        return query.build();

This query is then used in the pipeline:


Following https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44987493/unable-to-addprojection-to-relation-field-in-envers-query, I am expecting to get a `Map<String, Object>`. I would like to follow [Apache Beam documentation][2] to insert the entities in PostgreSQL, using a code similar to:

    .apply(JdbcIO.<Map<String, Object>>write()
    .withQuery("<INSERT QUERY>")
    .withPreparedStatementSetter(<this is what needs to be filled>));

As I have found no examples, here are my questions are the following:

1) How to handle the elements from the query ? In the example of my projection, how do I get access to `createdAt` which is a timestamp ? In python, I did it with : `value.timestamp_value.ToDatetime()`. Is there an equivalent in Java ?

2) Are the entities really under the format `<Map<String, Object>>` as described in the SO issue ?

3) Can one apply JdbcIO.write() to `Map<String, Object>` or does it require to be under the `<KV<KeyType, ValueType>>` format as described in the small snippet of the documentation ?

I am grateful to take any inputs on this topic.

Best regards,


[1]: https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-java/blob/master/google-cloud-examples/src/main/java/com/google/cl%60enter%20code%20here%60oud/examples/datastore/snippets/QuerySnippets.java#L111
[2]: https://beam.apache.org/releases/javadoc/2.8.0/

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