
It has been a few days since your reply, but I wanted to thank you for
pointing me toward the "additional outputs" portion of the documentation.
I had already read through that (if not completely thoroughly) although, at
the time, I did not quite know the requirements of what I would be doing,
so I did not really remember that part.  I have some more work to do on my
code before I can begin to use Beam (to make it much better!) but I think
this should help quite a bit.

Thanks again!

On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 5:31 PM Lukasz Cwik <> wrote:

> Yes you can create multiple output PCollections using a ParDo with
> multiple outputs instead of inserting them into Mongo.
> It could be useful to read through the programming guide related to
> PCollections[1] and PTransforms with multiple outputs[2] and feel free to
> return with more questions.
> 1:
> 2:
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 2:24 PM Steve973 <> wrote:
>> I am new to Beam, and I am pretty excited to get started.  I have been
>> doing quite a bit of research and playing around with the API.  But for my
>> use case, unless I am not approaching it correctly, suggests that I will
>> need to process multiple PCollections in some parts of my pipeline.
>> I am working out some of my business logic without a parallelization
>> framework to get the solution working.  Then I will convert the workflow to
>> Beam.  What I am doing is reading millions of files from the file system,
>> and I am processing parts of the file into three different output types,
>> and storing them in MongoDB in three collections.  After this initial
>> extraction (mapping), I modify some of the data which will result in
>> duplicates.  So the next step is a reduction step to eliminate the
>> duplicates (based on a number of fields) and aggregate the references to
>> the other 2 data types, so the reduced object contains the dedupe fields,
>> and a list of references to documents in the other 2 collections.  I'm not
>> touching either of these two collections at this time, but this is where my
>> question comes in.  If I map this data, can I create three separate
>> PCollections instead of inserting them into Mongo?  After the
>> deduplication, I will need to combine data in two of the streams, and I
>> need to store the results of that combination into mongo.  Then I need to
>> process the third collection, which will go into its own mongo collection.
>> I hope my description was at least enough to get the conversation
>> started.  Is my approach reasonable, and can I create multiple PCollections
>> and use them at different phases of my pipeline?  Or is there another way
>> that I should be looking at this?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Steve

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