
For testing I would like to use image uploaded to google container registry.
How can I use images pulled from other than bintray.io ?

admin@ip-172-31-9-89:~$ gcloud container images list --repository
asia.gcr.io/[PROJECTNAME] <http://asia.gcr.io/%5BPROJECTNAME%5D>
asia.gcr.io/[PROJECTNAME]/beam <http://asia.gcr.io/%5BPROJECTNAME%5D/beam>

Looks like FlinkRunner (2.15.0)  uses bintray repository as a default
behavior. As a result I am not able to use

Caused by: java.lang.Exception: The user defined 'open()' method caused an
exception: java.io.IOException: Received exit code 125 for command 'docker
run -d --network=host --env=DOCKER_MAC_CONTAINER=null --rm
ywatanabe-docker-apache.bintray.io/beam/python3:latest --id=1
--logging_endpoint=localhost:33787 --artifact_endpoint=localhost:41681
--provision_endpoint=localhost:45089 --control_endpoint=localhost:37045'.
stderr: Unable to find image '
ywatanabe-docker-apache.bintray.io/beam/python3:latest' locallydocker:
Error response from daemon: manifest for
ywatanabe-docker-apache.bintray.io/beam/python3:latest not found: manifest
unknown: The named manifest is not known to the registry.See 'docker run --

According to online doc, there is not parameter which controls which image
to use .


Pipeline options I am using is below.

        options = PipelineOptions([


Perhaps is there any  environment variable to specify which image to use ?

Best Regards,
Yu Watanabe

Yu Watanabe
Weekend Freelancer who loves to challenge building data platform
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