I have a log web log file that contains sessions id's and interactions,
there are three interactions `GET, LOGIN, LOGOUT`. Something like:


and goes on.

I want to be able to identify (right now, I'm dealing with bounded data)
with sessions were expired. By expired I mean any session that do not have
any interaction in a 5 minutes interval.

Of course, if user "LOGOUT", expiration will not be applied. In the data
above session 2 should be considered expired.

I have the folloing dataflow
( p
      | 'Read Files' >> ReadFromText(known_args.input, coder=LogCoder())
      | ParDo(LogToSession())
      | beam.Map(lambda entry: (entry.session, entry))
      | beam.GroupByKey()

The `LogCoder()` is responsible to correctly read the input files. The
`LogToSession` convert a log line to a Python class that correctly handle
the data structure, begin able to acess properties correctly.

For example I can fetch `entry.session` or `entry.timestamp` or

Once processed by `LogToSession`, `entry.timestamp` is a python `datetime`,
`entry.session` is a `str` and `entry.operation` is also an `str`.

In normal python I would keep a dict with each session as key and last
timestamp as value. For each new entry of a given key I would check the
timedelta. If bigger than window. Expired. Otherwise, update last
timestamp. But don't know how to handle in beam.

How to handle the next steps?

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