Thanks for your feedback. We expect that this issue will be fixed in
cloudpickle==1.3.0. Per [1], this release may be available next week.

After that you can install the fixed version of cloudpickle until the AI
notebook image picks up the new version.


On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 12:44 PM Alan Krumholz <>

> Seems like the image we use in KFP to orchestrate the job has 
> cloudpickle==0.8.1
> and that one doesn't seem to cause issues.
> I think I'm unblock for now but I'm sure I won't be the last one to try to
> do this using GCP managed notebooks :(
> Thanks for all the help!
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 12:24 PM Alan Krumholz <>
> wrote:
>> I'm using a managed notebook instance from GCP
>> It seems those already come with cloudpickle==1.2.2 as soon as you
>> provision it. apache-beam[gcp] will then install dill== I'm going
>> to try to uninstall cloudpickle before installing apache-beam and see if
>> this fixes the problem
>> Thank you
>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 11:54 AM Valentyn Tymofieiev <>
>> wrote:
>>> The fact that you have cloudpickle==1.2.2 further confirms that you may
>>> be hitting the same error as
>>>  .
>>> Could you try to start over with a clean virtual environment?
>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 11:46 AM Alan Krumholz <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Valentyn,
>>>> Here is my pip freeze on my machine (note that the error is in
>>>> dataflow, the job runs fine in my machine)
>>>> ansiwrap==0.8.4
>>>> apache-beam==2.19.0
>>>> arrow==0.15.5
>>>> asn1crypto==1.3.0
>>>> astroid==2.3.3
>>>> astropy==3.2.3
>>>> attrs==19.3.0
>>>> avro-python3==1.9.1
>>>> azure-common==1.1.24
>>>> azure-storage-blob==2.1.0
>>>> azure-storage-common==2.1.0
>>>> backcall==0.1.0
>>>> bcolz==1.2.1
>>>> binaryornot==0.4.4
>>>> bleach==3.1.0
>>>> boto3==1.11.9
>>>> botocore==1.14.9
>>>> cachetools==3.1.1
>>>> certifi==2019.11.28
>>>> cffi==1.13.2
>>>> chardet==3.0.4
>>>> Click==7.0
>>>> cloudpickle==1.2.2
>>>> colorama==0.4.3
>>>> configparser==4.0.2
>>>> confuse==1.0.0
>>>> cookiecutter==1.7.0
>>>> crcmod==1.7
>>>> cryptography==2.8
>>>> cycler==0.10.0
>>>> daal==2019.0
>>>> datalab==1.1.5
>>>> decorator==4.4.1
>>>> defusedxml==0.6.0
>>>> dill==
>>>> distro==1.0.1
>>>> docker==4.1.0
>>>> docopt==0.6.2
>>>> docutils==0.15.2
>>>> entrypoints==0.3
>>>> enum34==1.1.6
>>>> fairing==0.5.3
>>>> fastavro==0.21.24
>>>> fasteners==0.15
>>>> fsspec==0.6.2
>>>> future==0.18.2
>>>> gcsfs==0.6.0
>>>> gitdb2==2.0.6
>>>> GitPython==3.0.5
>>>> google-api-core==1.16.0
>>>> google-api-python-client==1.7.11
>>>> google-apitools==0.5.28
>>>> google-auth==1.11.0
>>>> google-auth-httplib2==0.0.3
>>>> google-auth-oauthlib==0.4.1
>>>> google-cloud-bigquery==1.17.1
>>>> google-cloud-bigtable==1.0.0
>>>> google-cloud-core==1.2.0
>>>> google-cloud-dataproc==0.6.1
>>>> google-cloud-datastore==1.7.4
>>>> google-cloud-language==1.3.0
>>>> google-cloud-logging==1.14.0
>>>> google-cloud-monitoring==0.31.1
>>>> google-cloud-pubsub==1.0.2
>>>> google-cloud-secret-manager==0.1.1
>>>> google-cloud-spanner==1.13.0
>>>> google-cloud-storage==1.25.0
>>>> google-cloud-translate==2.0.0
>>>> google-compute-engine==20191210.0
>>>> google-resumable-media==0.4.1
>>>> googleapis-common-protos==1.51.0
>>>> grpc-google-iam-v1==0.12.3
>>>> grpcio==1.26.0
>>>> h5py==2.10.0
>>>> hdfs==2.5.8
>>>> html5lib==1.0.1
>>>> htmlmin==0.1.12
>>>> httplib2==0.12.0
>>>> icc-rt==2020.0.133
>>>> idna==2.8
>>>> ijson==2.6.1
>>>> imageio==2.6.1
>>>> importlib-metadata==1.4.0
>>>> intel-numpy==1.15.1
>>>> intel-openmp==2020.0.133
>>>> intel-scikit-learn==0.19.2
>>>> intel-scipy==1.1.0
>>>> ipykernel==5.1.4
>>>> ipython==7.9.0
>>>> ipython-genutils==0.2.0
>>>> ipython-sql==0.3.9
>>>> ipywidgets==7.5.1
>>>> isort==4.3.21
>>>> jedi==0.16.0
>>>> Jinja2==2.11.0
>>>> jinja2-time==0.2.0
>>>> jmespath==0.9.4
>>>> joblib==0.14.1
>>>> json5==0.8.5
>>>> jsonschema==3.2.0
>>>> jupyter==1.0.0
>>>> jupyter-aihub-deploy-extension==0.1
>>>> jupyter-client==5.3.4
>>>> jupyter-console==6.1.0
>>>> jupyter-contrib-core==0.3.3
>>>> jupyter-contrib-nbextensions==0.5.1
>>>> jupyter-core==4.6.1
>>>> jupyter-highlight-selected-word==0.2.0
>>>> jupyter-http-over-ws==0.0.7
>>>> jupyter-latex-envs==1.4.6
>>>> jupyter-nbextensions-configurator==0.4.1
>>>> jupyterlab==1.2.6
>>>> jupyterlab-git==0.9.0
>>>> jupyterlab-server==1.0.6
>>>> keyring==10.1
>>>> keyrings.alt==1.3
>>>> kiwisolver==1.1.0
>>>> kubernetes==10.0.1
>>>> lazy-object-proxy==1.4.3
>>>> llvmlite==0.31.0
>>>> lxml==4.4.2
>>>> Markdown==3.1.1
>>>> MarkupSafe==1.1.1
>>>> matplotlib==3.0.3
>>>> mccabe==0.6.1
>>>> missingno==0.4.2
>>>> mistune==0.8.4
>>>> mkl==2019.0
>>>> mkl-fft==1.0.6
>>>> mkl-random==
>>>> mock==2.0.0
>>>> monotonic==1.5
>>>> more-itertools==8.1.0
>>>> nbconvert==5.6.1
>>>> nbdime==1.1.0
>>>> nbformat==5.0.4
>>>> networkx==2.4
>>>> nltk==3.4.5
>>>> notebook==6.0.3
>>>> numba==0.47.0
>>>> numpy==1.15.1
>>>> oauth2client==3.0.0
>>>> oauthlib==3.1.0
>>>> opencv-python==
>>>> oscrypto==1.2.0
>>>> packaging==20.1
>>>> pandas==0.25.3
>>>> pandas-profiling==1.4.0
>>>> pandocfilters==1.4.2
>>>> papermill==1.2.1
>>>> parso==0.6.0
>>>> pathlib2==2.3.5
>>>> pbr==5.4.4
>>>> pexpect==4.8.0
>>>> phik==0.9.8
>>>> pickleshare==0.7.5
>>>> Pillow-SIMD==6.2.2.post1
>>>> pipdeptree==0.13.2
>>>> plotly==4.5.0
>>>> pluggy==0.13.1
>>>> poyo==0.5.0
>>>> prettytable==0.7.2
>>>> prometheus-client==0.7.1
>>>> prompt-toolkit==2.0.10
>>>> protobuf==3.11.2
>>>> psutil==5.6.7
>>>> ptyprocess==0.6.0
>>>> py==1.8.1
>>>> pyarrow==0.15.1
>>>> pyasn1==0.4.8
>>>> pyasn1-modules==0.2.8
>>>> pycparser==2.19
>>>> pycrypto==2.6.1
>>>> pycryptodomex==3.9.6
>>>> pycurl==7.43.0
>>>> pydaal==2019.0.0.20180713
>>>> pydot==1.4.1
>>>> Pygments==2.5.2
>>>> pygobject==3.22.0
>>>> PyJWT==1.7.1
>>>> pylint==2.4.4
>>>> pymongo==3.10.1
>>>> pyOpenSSL==19.1.0
>>>> pyparsing==2.4.6
>>>> pyrsistent==0.15.7
>>>> pytest==5.3.4
>>>> pytest-pylint==0.14.1
>>>> python-apt==1.4.1
>>>> python-dateutil==2.8.1
>>>> pytz==2019.3
>>>> PyWavelets==1.1.1
>>>> pyxdg==0.25
>>>> PyYAML==5.3
>>>> pyzmq==18.1.1
>>>> qtconsole==4.6.0
>>>> requests==2.22.0
>>>> requests-oauthlib==1.3.0
>>>> retrying==1.3.3
>>>> rsa==4.0
>>>> s3transfer==0.3.2
>>>> scikit-image==0.15.0
>>>> scikit-learn==0.19.2
>>>> scipy==1.1.0
>>>> seaborn==0.9.1
>>>> SecretStorage==2.3.1
>>>> Send2Trash==1.5.0
>>>> simplegeneric==0.8.1
>>>> six==1.14.0
>>>> smmap2==2.0.5
>>>> snowflake-connector-python==2.2.0
>>>> SQLAlchemy==1.3.13
>>>> sqlparse==0.3.0
>>>> tbb==2019.0
>>>> tbb4py==2019.0
>>>> tenacity==6.0.0
>>>> terminado==0.8.3
>>>> testpath==0.4.4
>>>> textwrap3==0.9.2
>>>> tornado==5.1.1
>>>> tqdm==4.42.0
>>>> traitlets==4.3.3
>>>> typed-ast==1.4.1
>>>> typing==
>>>> typing-extensions==
>>>> unattended-upgrades==0.1
>>>> uritemplate==3.0.1
>>>> urllib3==1.24.2
>>>> virtualenv==16.7.9
>>>> wcwidth==0.1.8
>>>> webencodings==0.5.1
>>>> websocket-client==0.57.0
>>>> Werkzeug==0.16.1
>>>> whichcraft==0.6.1
>>>> widgetsnbextension==3.5.1
>>>> wrapt==1.11.2
>>>> zipp==1.1.0
>>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 11:33 AM Valentyn Tymofieiev <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> It don't think there is a mismatch between dill versions here, but
>>>>>  mentions
>>>>> a similar error and may be related. What is the output of pip freeze on
>>>>> your machine (or better: pip install pipdeptree; pipdeptree)?
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 11:22 AM Alan Krumholz <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Here is a test job that sometimes fails and sometimes doesn't (but
>>>>>> most times do).....
>>>>>> There seems to be something stochastic that causes this as after
>>>>>> several tests a couple of them did succeed....
>>>>>> def test_error(
>>>>>>     bq_table: str) -> str:
>>>>>>     import apache_beam as beam
>>>>>>     from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
>>>>>>     class GenData(beam.DoFn):
>>>>>>         def process(self, _):
>>>>>>             for _ in range (20000):
>>>>>>                 yield {'a':1,'b':2}
>>>>>>     def get_bigquery_schema():
>>>>>>         from import bigquery
>>>>>>         table_schema = bigquery.TableSchema()
>>>>>>         columns = [
>>>>>>             ["a","integer","nullable"],
>>>>>>             ["b","integer","nullable"]
>>>>>>         ]
>>>>>>         for column in columns:
>>>>>>             column_schema = bigquery.TableFieldSchema()
>>>>>>    = column[0]
>>>>>>             column_schema.type = column[1]
>>>>>>             column_schema.mode = column[2]
>>>>>>             table_schema.fields.append(column_schema)
>>>>>>         return table_schema
>>>>>>     pipeline = beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions(
>>>>>>         project='my-project',
>>>>>>         temp_location = 'gs://my-bucket/temp',
>>>>>>         staging_location = 'gs://my-bucket/staging',
>>>>>>         runner='DataflowRunner'
>>>>>>     ))
>>>>>>     #pipeline = beam.Pipeline()
>>>>>>     (
>>>>>>         pipeline
>>>>>>         | 'Empty start' >> beam.Create([''])
>>>>>>         | 'Generate Data' >> beam.ParDo(GenData())
>>>>>>         #| 'print' >> beam.Map(print)
>>>>>>         | 'Write to BigQuery' >>
>>>>>>                     project=bq_table.split(':')[0],
>>>>>>                     dataset=bq_table.split(':')[1].split('.')[0],
>>>>>>                     table=bq_table.split(':')[1].split('.')[1],
>>>>>>                     schema=get_bigquery_schema(),
>>>>>>     )
>>>>>>     result =
>>>>>>     result.wait_until_finish()
>>>>>>     return True
>>>>>> test_error(
>>>>>>     bq_table = 'my-project:my_dataset.my_table'
>>>>>> )
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 10:04 AM Alan Krumholz <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I tried breaking apart my pipeline. Seems the step that breaks it is:
>>>>>>> Let me see if I can create a self contained example that breaks to
>>>>>>> share with you
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 9:53 AM Pablo Estrada <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hm that's odd. No changes to the pipeline? Are you able to share
>>>>>>>> some of the code?
>>>>>>>> +Udi Meiri <> do you have any idea what could be
>>>>>>>> going on here?
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 9:25 AM Alan Krumholz <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Pablo,
>>>>>>>>> This is strange... it doesn't seem to be the last beam release as
>>>>>>>>> last night it was already using 2.19.0 I wonder if it was some 
>>>>>>>>> release from
>>>>>>>>> the DataFlow team (not beam related):
>>>>>>>>> Job typeBatch
>>>>>>>>> Job status Succeeded
>>>>>>>>> SDK version
>>>>>>>>> Apache Beam Python 3.5 SDK 2.19.0
>>>>>>>>> Region
>>>>>>>>> us-central1
>>>>>>>>> Start timeFebruary 3, 2020 at 9:28:35 PM GMT-8
>>>>>>>>> Elapsed time5 min 11 sec
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 9:15 AM Pablo Estrada <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Alan,
>>>>>>>>>> could it be that you're picking up the new Apache Beam 2.19.0
>>>>>>>>>> release? Could you try depending on beam 2.18.0 to see if the issue
>>>>>>>>>> surfaces when using the new release?
>>>>>>>>>> If something was working and no longer works, it sounds like a
>>>>>>>>>> bug. This may have to do with how we pickle (dill / cloudpickle) - 
>>>>>>>>>> see this
>>>>>>>>>> question
>>>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>>>> -P.
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 6:22 AM Alan Krumholz <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I was running a dataflow job in GCP last night and it was
>>>>>>>>>>> running fine.
>>>>>>>>>>> This morning this same exact job is failing with the following
>>>>>>>>>>> error:
>>>>>>>>>>> Error message from worker: Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>>>>> File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/apache_beam/internal/",
>>>>>>>>>>> line 286, in loads return dill.loads(s) File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dill/", line 275, 
>>>>>>>>>>> in loads
>>>>>>>>>>> return load(file, ignore, **kwds) File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dill/", line 270, 
>>>>>>>>>>> in load
>>>>>>>>>>> return Unpickler(file, ignore=ignore, **kwds).load() File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dill/", line 472, 
>>>>>>>>>>> in load
>>>>>>>>>>> obj = StockUnpickler.load(self) File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dill/", line 577, in
>>>>>>>>>>> _load_type return _reverse_typemap[name] KeyError: 'ClassType' 
>>>>>>>>>>> During
>>>>>>>>>>> handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: 
>>>>>>>>>>> Traceback
>>>>>>>>>>> (most recent call last): File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dataflow_worker/",
>>>>>>>>>>> line 648, in do_work work_executor.execute() File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dataflow_worker/",
>>>>>>>>>>>  line
>>>>>>>>>>> 176, in execute op.start() File 
>>>>>>>>>>> "apache_beam/runners/worker/",
>>>>>>>>>>> line 649, in 
>>>>>>>>>>> apache_beam.runners.worker.operations.DoOperation.start File
>>>>>>>>>>> "apache_beam/runners/worker/", line 651, in
>>>>>>>>>>> apache_beam.runners.worker.operations.DoOperation.start File
>>>>>>>>>>> "apache_beam/runners/worker/", line 652, in
>>>>>>>>>>> apache_beam.runners.worker.operations.DoOperation.start File
>>>>>>>>>>> "apache_beam/runners/worker/", line 261, in
>>>>>>>>>>> apache_beam.runners.worker.operations.Operation.start File
>>>>>>>>>>> "apache_beam/runners/worker/", line 266, in
>>>>>>>>>>> apache_beam.runners.worker.operations.Operation.start File
>>>>>>>>>>> "apache_beam/runners/worker/", line 597, in
>>>>>>>>>>> apache_beam.runners.worker.operations.DoOperation.setup File
>>>>>>>>>>> "apache_beam/runners/worker/", line 602, in
>>>>>>>>>>> apache_beam.runners.worker.operations.DoOperation.setup File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/apache_beam/internal/",
>>>>>>>>>>> line 290, in loads return dill.loads(s) File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dill/", line 275, 
>>>>>>>>>>> in loads
>>>>>>>>>>> return load(file, ignore, **kwds) File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dill/", line 270, 
>>>>>>>>>>> in load
>>>>>>>>>>> return Unpickler(file, ignore=ignore, **kwds).load() File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dill/", line 472, 
>>>>>>>>>>> in load
>>>>>>>>>>> obj = StockUnpickler.load(self) File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dill/", line 577, in
>>>>>>>>>>> _load_type return _reverse_typemap[name] KeyError: 'ClassType'
>>>>>>>>>>> If I use a local runner it still runs fine.
>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone else experiencing something similar today? (or know how
>>>>>>>>>>> to fix this?)
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!

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