Cross posting here in case you're interested or already using Scio
<>, the Scala API for Apache Beam.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Neville Li <>
Date: Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 1:49 PM
Subject: Scio community hangout
To: Scio Users <>

Hi all,

With the current trend of conferences/meetups going virtual, it's hard to
have casual hallway chat about data, Beam, Scio, etc. We're thinking about
doing a Scio community hangout, to share progress, roadmap, priorities, but
also to catch up with the community, hear your feedback, use cases and
knowledge share.

We're thinking the last week of Sept, noon US Eastern Time so it's feasible
for west coast & EU folks. Please fill in the Doodle with your date
preference. Hangout link to follow. We'll make this recurring if there's
enough interest.


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