Have you considered using Session windows? The window would start at the
timestamp of the article, and the Session gap duration would be the
(event-time) timeout after which you stop waiting for assets to join that

On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 3:05 AM Kaymak, Tobias <tobias.kay...@ricardo.ch>

> Hello,
> In chapter 4 of the Streaming Systems book by Tyler, Slava and Reuven
> there is an example 4-6 on page 111 about custom windowing that deals with
> UnalignedFixedWindows:
> https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/streaming-systems/9781491983867/ch04.html
> Unfortunately that example is abbreviated and the full source code is not
> published in this repo:
> https://github.com/takidau/streamingbook
> I am joining two Kafka Streams and I am currently windowing them by fixed
> time intervals. However the elements in stream one ("articles") are
> published first, then the assets for those articles are being published in
> the "assets" topic. Articles event timestamps are therefore slightly before
> those of assets.
> Now when doing a CoGroupByKey this can lead to a situation where an
> article is not being processed together with its assets, as
> - the article has a timestamp of 2020-10-02T00:30:29.997Z
> - the assets have a timestamp of 2020-10-02T00:30:30.001Z
> This is a must in my pipeline as I am relying on them to be processed
> together - otherwise I am publishing an article without it's assets.
> My idea was therefore to apply UnalignedFixedWindows instead of fixed
> ones to the streams to circumvent this. What I am currently missing is the
> mergeWindows() implementation or the full source code to understand it. I
> am currently facing a java.lang.IllegalStateException
> TimestampCombiner moved element from 2020-10-02T09:32:36.079Z to earlier
> time 2020-10-02T09:32:03.365Z for window
> [2020-10-02T09:31:03.366Z..2020-10-02T09:32:03.366Z)
> Which gives me the impression that I am doing something wrong or have not
> fully understood the custom windowing topic.
> Am I on the wrong track here?

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