Are you able to run streaming word count on the same setup?

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 5:39 PM Sam Bourne <> wrote:

> We updated from beam 2.18.0 to 2.24.0 and have been having issues using
> the python ReadFromPubSub external transform in flink 1.10. It seems like
> it starts up just fine, but it doesn’t consume any messages.
> I tried to reduce it to a simple example and tested back to beam 2.22.0
> but have gotten the same results (of no messages being read).
> I have a hard time believing that it’s been broken for so many versions
> but I can’t seem to identify what I’ve done wrong.
> Steps to test:
> 1) Spin up the expansion service
> docker run -d --rm --network host apache/beam_flink1.10_job_server:2.24.0
> 2) Create a simple pipeline using
> Here’s mine:
> 3) Run the pipeline
> python -m pubsub_example --runner=FlinkRunner --save_main_session 
> --flink_submit_uber_jar --environment_type=DOCKER 
> --environment_config=apache/beam_python3.7_sdk:2.24.0 
> --checkpointing_interval=10000 --streaming
> 4) Emit a few pubsub messages
> python -m pubsub_example --msg hello
> python -m pubsub_example --msg world
> What am I missing here?
> -Sam
> ------------------------------
> Some debugging things I’ve tried:
>    - I can run ReadFromPubSub (the DirectRunner version just fine).
>    - I confirmed that the gcloud credentials make it into the java sdk
>    container that spins up. Without these you get credential type errors.
>    - I modified the java DockerEnvironmentFactory to instead mount
>    GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS service account .json and set the env
>    var.
>    - I’ve tried a variety of different flink flags.

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