I also ran into this issue some time ago. Couldn't figure out why, but
explicitly setting the end and start to some integer value when building
the `PeriodicImpulse` transform could be a workaround.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 4:19 AM Manninger, Matyas <
matyas.mannin...@veolia.com> wrote:

> Dear Beam users,
> In the python SDK I tried using the PeriodicImpulse but seems like there
> is an internal bug. In the periodicsequence.py on line 42 there is a
> division where a type Duration is being divided, but no division operation
> is defined. What am I missing? Is there a workaround to this? Here is the
> error message that lead to this "discovery":
> File
> "/home/user/.virtualenvs/dflowenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/apache_beam/transforms/periodicsequence.py",
> line 42, in initial_restriction
>    total_outputs = math.ceil((end - start) / interval)
> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Duration' and 'Duration'
> [while running 'read/periodic_impulse/GenSequence/PairWithRestriction']

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