Hi,  I'm wondering if it is possible to create custom docker image with 
compiled go binary that can be deployed to Dataflow? Currently I'm using it 
as below   myjob    --runner dataflow    --output gs://prog-test-bucket/out    
--project ***    --region europe-west1    --temp_location 
gs://prog-test-bucket/tmp/   --staging_location gs://prog-tet-buckt/binaries/   
 --worker_harness_container_image=apache/beam_go_sdk:latest   But this is not a 
"clean" way of starting jobs. I'd prefer to have it in a more 
organized way with deploying worker as built container image. Can I make a use 
of  hub.docker.com https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/beam_go_sdk  and build 
custom image with my binary and then deploy it in GCP?  I will appreciate all 
the suggestion/help. Thanks   --  Paweł

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