
I would like to ask a question about expansion service. I'm currently
testing my expansion service in my local development environment.
I have read notes about kafka in advance,


I have prepared sdk containers .

[ywatanabe@laptop-archlinux Development]$ docker image ls | grep apache
apache/beam_java8_sdk                           2.42.0.dev
f7e9d38b01fe   11 days ago     643MB
apache/beam_go_sdk                              latest
8a87ea45255b   11 days ago     149MB

However, when I run the code in my local environment, I get an error.

[ywatanabe@laptop-archlinux go]$ go run ./examples/elasticsearch/sample.go \
  --runner direct \
Hello world.
2022/08/28 20:39:01 Executing pipeline with the direct runner.
2022/08/28 20:39:01 Pipeline:
2022/08/28 20:39:01 Nodes: {1: []uint8/bytes GLO}
{2: string/string GLO}
{3: []uint8/bytes GLO}
{4: []uint8/bytes GLO}
Edges: 1: Impulse [] -> [Out: []uint8 -> {1: []uint8/bytes GLO}]
2: ParDo [In(Main): []uint8 <- {1: []uint8/bytes GLO}] -> [Out: T ->
{2: string/string GLO}]
3: External [In(Main): string <- {2: string/string GLO}] -> [Out:
[]uint8 -> {3: []uint8/bytes GLO} Out: []uint8 -> {4: []uint8/bytes
Pipeline failed: translation failed
        caused by:
external transforms like 3: External [In(Main): string <- {2:
string/string GLO}] -> [Out: []uint8 -> {3: []uint8/bytes GLO} Out:
[]uint8 -> {4: []uint8/bytes GLO}] are not supported in the Go direct
runner, please execute your pipel[ywatanabe@laptop-archlinux go]$

Am I missing something ?

My main and io code can be found below.



Yu Watanabe

linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/yuwatanabe1/
twitter:   twitter.com/yuwtennis

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