Hi, I've have this simple pipeline to test the kafka IO. It reads from kafka and log it. ``` ( pipeline | ReadFromKafka( consumer_config={ "bootstrap.servers": bootstrap_servers, "security.protocol": "SASL_SSL", "sasl.mechanism": "SCRAM-SHA-512", "sasl.jaas.config": f'org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required username="{sasl_username}" password="{sasl_password}";', }, topics=["test_topic"], with_metadata=False, expansion_service=default_io_expansion_service( append_args=[ '--defaultEnvironmentType=PROCESS',
"--defaultEnvironmentConfig={\"command\":\"/opt/apache/beam/boot\"}", ] ), | "logging" >> beam.Map(lambda args: logging.info(args)) ``` However, there's no log line for the event in task manager, and I also found that there are multiple log lines saying: ``` Resetting offset for partition test_topic-1 to offset 8706. ``` the reset offset keeps the same all the time, which looks like the kafka IO never actually progress? But I also unable to find any other error log as well. Wondering if anyone can help me with this issue ? Thanks Sincerely, Lydian Lee