work for your case?
For STORAGE_WRITE_API, it has been actively improved. If the latest SDK
still has this issue, I highly recommend you to create a Google Cloud
support ticket.

On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 3:47 AM Binh Nguyen Van <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a job that uses BigQuery IO Connector to write to a BigQuery table.
> When I test it with a small number of records (100) it works as expected
> but when I tested it with a larger number of records (10000), I don’t see
> all of the records written to the output table but only part of it. It
> changes from run to run but no more than 1000 records as I have seen so far.
> There are WARNING log entries in the job log like this
> by client #0 failed with error, operations will be retried.
> ALREADY_EXISTS: The offset is within stream, expected offset 933, received 0
> And one log entry like this
> Finalize of stream [stream-name] finished with row_count: 683
> If I sum all the numbers reported in the WARNING message with the one in
> the finalize of stream above, I get 10000, which is exactly the number of
> input records.
> My pipeline uses 1 worker and it looks like this
> WriteResult writeResult = inputCollection.apply(
>                 "Save Events To BigQuery",
>                 BigQueryIO.<MyEvent>write()
>                     .to(options.getTable())
>                     .withFormatFunction(TableRowMappers::toRow)
>                     .withMethod(Method.STORAGE_WRITE_API)
> .withCreateDisposition(BigQueryIO.Write.CreateDisposition.CREATE_NEVER)
> .withWriteDisposition(BigQueryIO.Write.WriteDisposition.WRITE_APPEND)
>                     .withExtendedErrorInfo());
>     writeResult
>         .getFailedStorageApiInserts()
>         .apply("Log failed inserts", ParDo.of(new PrintFn<>()));
> There are no log entries for the failed inserts.
> Is there anything wrong with my pipeline code or is it a bug in BigQuery
> IO Connector?
> Thanks
> -Binh

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