
I have a question regarding usage of Zeta with SQL extensions in SQL shell. I try to:


SET runner = DirectRunner;
SET tempLocation = `/tmp/test/`;
SET streaming=`True`;
SET plannerName = `org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.sql.zetasql.ZetaSQLQueryPlanner`;

    event_timestamp TIMESTAMP,
    event_type VARCHAR,
    message_id VARCHAR,
    tracking_source VARCHAR,
    tracking_version VARCHAR,
    `repo_state` STRUCT<`head` STRUCT<`commit` VARCHAR ,`name` VARCHAR>>
TYPE pubsub
LOCATION 'projects/xxx/topics/xxx'
TBLPROPERTIES '{"format":"json"}';


But get error `parse failed: Encountered "STRUCT" `.

If i change the `STRUCT` to `ROW` (as in Calcite) the DDL passes, but still I do fail to receive data on

`SELECT * FROM etl_raw LIMIT 1;` with exception of `java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: head (state=,code=0)` when I am sure that the field is there in json payload.

With commented out `repo_state` filed I am able to retrieve the data. Unfortunately I do not have control over the payload structure as its 3rd party hook to make it flat.

In general I am unable to parse json msg from pubsub having structured field.

Is anyone familiar with this part of Beam functionalities?

Best regards

Wisniowski Piotr

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