Unfortunately, the katas are in a sad state due to the pace of changes in
IntelliJ, and the change in the courses format in the EduTools plugin.

I did the changes for the Python Beam Katas, and after that experience, I
think we need to move away from the EduTools for the katas. I would favor
an option based on just some unit tests, that would pass when the exercise
is correct, with some documentation to be browsed locally. I think the Beam
Playground would be the ideal platform for running those tests, and it
could even have a panel for visualizing the documentation (description of
the exercise, links, etc).

That would make the Katas more maintainable too. Right now, there are
sometimes changes in the Katas related to the playground that break the
Katas in Edutools.

I am not sure when (and if) I will be able to work on something like that,
but I will be happy to collaborate with anyone who has the time to
implement it. The katas are already based on unit testing, so the changes
would not be large.

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