Okay. I was hoping I'd find some simple flag to switch off/on but turns out
it's just the google yapf style that doesn't mesh well with beam workflows
(i.e. `based_on_style=google`). Will dig through yapf settings to see if
there's a knob that can be used in conjunction with the google style to do
what I want, just wanted to update in case anyone happens to already have a

On Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 9:37 AM Joey Tran <joey.t...@schrodinger.com> wrote:

> Huh, the default yapf settings _do_ seem to play nicely with beam after
> all. I tried creating a bare dir and created a wordcount.py with one
> transform per line and tried formatting with both yapf==0.29 and yapf==0.31
> (what we currently use), and both left the workflow nicely divided with one
> transform per line.
> Looks like it's something up with my project's particular yapf settings.
> Should've checked that first before posting. Thanks for the response and
> apologies for the noise!
> On Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 9:06 AM Ahmed Abualsaud via user <
> user@beam.apache.org> wrote:
>> Hey Joey,
>> I had similar problems where yapf was reformatting every file until I
>> explicitly installed yapf==0.29.0, which is what Beam uses
>> <https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/95af465f0dfaa123364e5880bccc3dff32a19b39/sdks/python/tox.ini#L245>.
>> Can you check if you have a different version installed?
>> Best,
>> Ahmed
>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 12:59 PM Joey Tran <joey.t...@schrodinger.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Does anyone have any recommendations on how to get yapf to play nicely
>>> with beam workflows? Left to its own, it absolutely destroys the
>>> readability of a workflow. The solution is simple enough by just adding #
>>> yapf:disables everywhere but it's not really ideal. Are there any specific
>>> yapf knobs recommended for mitigating this?
>>> Best,
>>> Joey
>>> --
>>> Joey Tran | Senior Developer Il | AutoDesigner TL
>>> *he/him*
>>> [image: Schrödinger, Inc.] <https://schrodinger.com/>

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