
  We are using beam, which is written by python. And we want to deploy to spark on yarn cluster . 

  But we found that it could only start one spark worker. Also on this worker, beam docker is started.

  - The beam pipeline option printed : 

{key:"beam:option:spark_master:v1" value:{string_value:"local[4]"}}  

{key:"beam:option:direct_runner_use_stacked_bundle:v1" value:{bool_value:true}}

  Our steps: 

Firstly, we generate jar file with python file. 

python3.7 -m  beam_demo \

--spark_version=3 \

--runner=SparkRunner \

--spark_job_server_jar=/home/hadoop/beam-runners-spark-3-job-server-2.52.0.jar \

--sdk_container_image=apache/beam_python3.7_sdk_boto3:2.45.0   \

--sdk_harness_container_image=apache/beam_python3.7_sdk_boto3:2.45.0 \

--worker_harness_container_image=apache/beam_python3.7_sdk_boto3:2.45.0 \

--environment_type=DOCKER --environment_config=apache/beam_python3.7_sdk_boto3:2.45.0 \

--sdk_location=container  \

--num_workers=2 \


  Secondly, we submit it to spark:

 spark-submit   --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster jars/beam_demo.jar


Our question is:

1. We configured sparkRunner. Why the runner is direct_runner_use_stacked_bundle?

2. We submitted job to spark on yarn. Why the printed spark_master is local[4]?

3. Could python beam on Spark yarn cluster start multi workers?

Could you please help to check those questions? Maybe we have something missing. Thank you very much for your help.



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