Here is what I did:

nextval('sap_tm_customer_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(10),
load_date_time TIMESTAMP)

make sure id cannot be NULL (you might not need this).

I tried this for my data without using the id field:

class ExampleRow(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    load_date_time: str

For the statement, I used this:

"INSERT INTO test2 VALUES(DEFAULT, ?,?::timestamp)"

DEFAULT fills in the id using sap_tm_customer_id_seq.

I hope this is what you are looking for.

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 5:57 PM Juan Romero <> wrote:

> Hi guys. I have a table in apache beam that has an auto increment id with
> a sequence.
> *CREATE SEQUENCE sap_tm_customer_id_seq;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (
>  id bigint DEFAULT nextval('sap_tm_customer_id_seq'::regclass),   name
> VARCHAR(10),   load_date_time TIMESTAMP);*
> And i have the following pipeline to make the insert into the table:
> with beam.Pipeline() as p:
>   _ = (
>       p
>       | beam.Create(
>         [
>             ExampleRow(id=1,name='adsf', load_date_time='2023-04-05
> 12:34:55'),
>             ExampleRow(id=3,name='adsf', load_date_time='2023-04-05
> 12:34:56')
>         ]).with_output_types(ExampleRow)
>       | 'Write to jdbc' >> WriteToJdbc(
>           driver_class_name='org.postgresql.Driver',
>           jdbc_url='jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres',
>           username='postgres',
>           password='postgres',
>           table_name= 'test',
>           connection_properties="stringtype=unspecified",
>           statement='INSERT INTO test \
>                         VALUES(?,?,?) '
>       ))
> The problem is that I haven't been able to insert the register
> omitting the id field into the pcollection in a way the database
> automatically assigns the auto increment id.
> Can you help me? I have spent a lot of time but i have not realize the
> solution.
> Thanks!!

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