I did not do anything special but ran `docker-compose -f
docker-compose.yaml up` from your repo.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 11:38 PM Lydian Lee <tingyenlee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi XQ,
> The code is simplified from my previous work and thus it is still using
> the old version. But I've tested with Beam 2.54.0 and the code still works
> (I mean using my company's image.)  If this is running well in your linux,
> I guess there could be something related to how I build the docker image.
> Curious if you could share the image you built to docker.io so that I can
> confirm if the problem is related to only the image, thanks.
> The goal for this repo is to complete my previous talk:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUz90LpGAgc&ab_channel=ApacheBeam
> On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 8:07 AM XQ Hu via user <user@beam.apache.org>
> wrote:
>> I cloned your repo on my Linux machine, which is super useful to run. Not
>> sure why you use Beam 2.41 but anyway, I tried this on my Linux machine:
>> python t.py \
>>   --topic test --group test-group --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
>>   --job_endpoint localhost:8099 \
>>   --artifact_endpoint localhost:8098 \
>>   --environment_type=EXTERNAL \
>>   --environment_config=localhost:50000
>> Note I replaced host.docker.internal with localhost and it runs well.
>> I then tried to use host.docker.internal and it also runs well,
>> Maybe this is related to your Mac setting?
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 8:34 AM Lydian Lee <tingyenlee...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just FYI, the similar things works on a different image with the one I
>>> built using my company’s image as base image. I’ve only replaced the base
>>> image with ubuntu. But given that the error log is completely not helpful,
>>> it’s really hard for me to continue debugging on the issue though.
>>> The docker is not required on my base image as I’ve already add extra
>>> args to ReadFromKafka with default environment to be Process. This is proof
>>> to work with my company’s docker image. For the host.internal.docker which
>>> is also supported by docker for mac. The only thing i need to do is to
>>> configure /etc/hosts so that i can submit the job directly from the laptop
>>> and not the flink master.
>>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 2:40 AM Jaehyeon Kim <dott...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> The pipeline runs in host while host.docker.internal would only be
>>>> resolved on the containers that run with the host network mode. I guess the
>>>> pipeline wouldn't be accessible to host.docker.internal and fails to run.
>>>> If everything before ReadFromKafka works successfully, a docker
>>>> container will be launched with the host network mode so that
>>>> host.docker.internal:9092 can be resolved inside the container. As far as
>>>> I've checked, however, it fails when I start a flink cluster on docker and
>>>> I had to rely on a local flink cluster. If you'd like to try to use docker,
>>>> you should have docker installed on your custom docker image and
>>>> volume-map /var/run/docker.sock to the flink task manager. Otherwise, it
>>>> won't be able to launch a Docker container for reading kafka messages.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jaehyeon
>>>> On Sun, 17 Mar 2024 at 18:21, Lydian Lee <tingyenlee...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have an issue when setting up a POC of  Python SDK with Flink runner
>>>>> to run in docker-compose.  The python worker harness was not returning any
>>>>> error but:
>>>>> ```
>>>>> python-worker-harness-1  | 2024/03/17 07:10:17 Executing: python -m
>>>>> apache_beam.runners.worker.sdk_worker_main
>>>>> python-worker-harness-1  | 2024/03/17 07:10:24 Python exited: <nil>
>>>>> ```
>>>>> and dead.  The error message seems totally unuseful, and I am
>>>>> wondering if there's a way to make the harness script show more debug
>>>>> logging.
>>>>> I started my harness via:
>>>>> ```
>>>>> /opt/apache/beam/boot --worker_pool
>>>>> ```
>>>>> and configure my script to use the harness
>>>>> ```
>>>>> python docker/src/example.py \
>>>>>   --topic test --group test-group --bootstrap-server
>>>>> host.docker.internal:9092 \
>>>>>   --job_endpoint host.docker.internal:8099 \
>>>>>   --artifact_endpoint host.docker.internal:8098 \
>>>>>   --environment_type=EXTERNAL \
>>>>>   --environment_config=host.docker.internal:50000
>>>>> ```
>>>>> The full settings is available in:
>>>>> https://github.com/lydian/beam-python-flink-runner-examples
>>>>> Thanks for your help

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