Good day, Ruben,

Would you be able to compute a shasum on the group of IDs to use as the key?



On 2024/04/12 19:22:45 Ruben Vargas wrote:
> Hello guys
> Maybe this question was already answered, but I cannot find it  and
> want some more input on this topic.
> I have some messages that don't have any particular key candidate,
> except the ID,  but I don't want to use it because the idea is to
> group multiple IDs in the same batch.
> This is my use case:
> I have an endpoint where I'm gonna send the message ID, this endpoint
> is gonna return me certain information which I will use to enrich my
> message. In order to avoid fetching the endpoint per message I want to
> batch it in 100 and send the 100 IDs in one request ( the endpoint
> supports it) . I was thinking on using GroupIntoBatches.
> - If I choose the ID as the key, my understanding is that it won't
> work in the way I want (because it will form batches of the same ID).
> - Use a constant will be a problem for parallelism, is that correct?
> Then my question is, what should I use as a key? Maybe something
> regarding the timestamp? so I can have groups of messages that arrive
> at a certain second?
> Any suggestions would be appreciated
> Thanks.

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