Can we be careful to distinguish which environments you are trying this in. Is this in the activated bloodhound virtualenv?


On 30/07/13 10:17, Pedro Estrela wrote:
Yes i did all as root.

[root@lbtvmcentosbug Desktop]# python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Feb 22 2013, 00:00:18)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import genshi
>>> import babel
>>> import themeengine
>>> import acct_mgr
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named acct_mgr
>>> import bhtheme
>>> import bhdashboard
>>> import bhsearch
>>> import multiproduct
>>> import bhrelations

this is my output, i guess i'm having some troubles with acct_mgr

2013/7/30 Matevž Bradač < <>>

    On 30. Jul, 2013, at 10:45, Pedro Estrela wrote:

    > I'm running as root.
    > Here is the result of pip freeze:
    > "
    > Warning: cannot find svn location for
    > Warning: cannot find svn location for
    > Warning: cannot find svn location for
    > Warning: cannot find svn location for
    > Warning: cannot find svn location for
    > Warning: cannot find svn location for
    > AddOns==0.6
    > Babel==0.9.4
    > Beaker==1.3.1
    > ## FIXME: could not find svn URL in dependency_links for this
    > BloodhoundDashboardPlugin==0.7.0dev-r1505871
    > ## FIXME: could not find svn URL in dependency_links for this
    > BloodhoundMultiProduct==0.7.0dev-r1506070
    > ## FIXME: could not find svn URL in dependency_links for this
    > BloodhoundRelationsPlugin==0.7.0dev-r1503571
    > ## FIXME: could not find svn URL in dependency_links for this
    > BloodhoundSearchPlugin==0.7.0dev-r1503560
    > ## FIXME: could not find svn URL in dependency_links for this
    > BloodhoundTheme==0.7.0dev-r1506038
    > BytecodeAssembler==0.5.1
    > Cheetah==2.4.1
    > DecoratorTools==1.7
    > Extremes==1.1
    > FormEncode==1.2.2
    > Genshi==0.6
    > Magic-file-extensions==0.1
    > Mako==0.3.4
    > Markdown==2.0.1
    > MarkupSafe==0.9.2
    > MySQL-python==1.2.3c1
    > Myghty==1.1
    > ## FIXME: could not find svn URL in dependency_links for this
    > Paste==1.7.4
    > PasteDeploy==1.3.3
    > PasteScript==1.7.3
    > PyGreSQL==3.8.1
    > Pygments==1.1.1
    > Pylons==0.9.7
    > Routes==1.10.3
    > SQLAlchemy==0.5.5
    > SSSDConfig==1.9.2
    > SetupDocs==1.0.5
    > SymbolType==1.0
    > Tempita==0.4
    > ToscaWidgets==0.9.8
    > Trac==1.0.1
    > TracAccountManager==0.4.3
    > TracPermRedirect==3.0
    > TracThemeEngine==2.2.0
    > TurboGears2==2.0.3
    > TurboJson==1.2.1
    > WebError==0.10.2
    > WebFlash==0.1a9
    > WebHelpers==0.6.4
    > WebOb==
    > WebTest==1.2
    > Whoosh==2.4.1
    > cas==0.15
    > cups==1.0
    > cupshelpers==1.0
    > decorator==3.0.1
    > distribute==0.6.10
    > ethtool==0.6
    > firstboot==1.110
    > freeipa==2.0.0.alpha.0
    > iniparse==0.3.1
    > iotop==0.3.2
    > ipapython==3.0.0
    > iwlib==1.0
    > kerberos==1.0
    > luci==0.26.0
    > lxml==2.2.3
    > matplotlib==
    > netaddr==0.7.5
    > nose==0.10.4
    > numpy==1.4.1
    > paramiko==1.7.5
    > pexpect==2.3
    > policycoreutils-default-encoding==0.1
    > prioritized-methods==0.2.1
    > psycopg2==2.0.14
    > pyOpenSSL==0.10
    > pyasn1==0.0.12a
    > pycrypto==2.0.1
    > pycurl==7.19.0
    > pygpgme==0.1
    > python-dateutil==1.4.1
    > python-default-encoding==0.1
    > python-ldap==2.3.10
    > python-meh==0.11
    > python-memcached==1.43
    > python-nss==0.13
    > pytz==2010h
    > pyxdg==0.18
    > qpid-python==0.14
    > qpid-tools==0.14
    > repoze.tm2==1.0a4
    > repoze.what==1.0.8
    > repoze.what-pylons==1.0
    > repoze.who==1.0.18
    > repoze.who-friendlyform==1.0.8
    > repoze.who-testutil==1.0rc1
    > scdate==1.9.60
    > sckdump==2.0.5
    > scservices==0.99.45
    > scservices.dbus==0.99.45
    > setools==1.0
    > simplejson==2.0.9
    > slip==0.2.20
    > slip.dbus==0.2.20
    > slip.gtk==0.2.20
    > smbc==1.0
    > sqlparse==0.1.7
    > suds==0.4.1
    > transaction==1.0.1
    > urlgrabber==3.9.1
    > virtualenv==1.9.1
    > yum-metadata-parser==1.1.2
    > zope.interface==3.5.2
    > zope.sqlalchemy==0.4
    > "

    Hmm, it does seem to be installed.
    Are you also running Olemis' tests as root?

    Could you also check that the top level BH/Trac modules can be
    properly by the python interpreter, e.g.:
      import genshi
      import babel
      import themeengine
      import acct_mgr
      import bhtheme
      import bhdashboard
      import bhsearch
      import multiproduct
      import bhrelations

    > 2013/7/30 Matevž Bradač <
    > On 30. Jul, 2013, at 10:20, Pedro Estrela wrote:
    > > ">>> import acct_mgr.web_ui
    > > Traceback (most recent call last):
    > >   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    > > ImportError: No module named acct_mgr.web_ui"
    > >
    > > I guess is missing something
    > Most likely it's not installed. Could you please provide the
    output of
    >   pip freeze
    > command so that we can determine which modules have been
    installed in
    > the environment?
    > Also, how are you running your web server - as admin/root, or as a
    > separate user?
    > >
    > >
    > > 2013/7/30 Olemis Lang < <>>
    > > On 7/29/13, Pedro Estrela <
    <>> wrote:
    > > > Hi,
    > > >
    > >
    > > :)
    > >
    > > [...]
    > > > Can you please tell me what i did wrong? This is the error
    that i get:
    > > >
    > > > "Error: Not Found
    > > > No handler matched request to /login"
    > > >
    > >
    > > This is an indication of the fact that account manager plugin
    has not
    > > been ( detected / loaded / enabled ). Could you please launch your
    > > python interpreter, execute the following code and tell us
    what's the
    > > result ? Is it even close to what you see below?
    > >
    > > {{{#!py
    > >
    > > >>> from trac.env import open_environment as oe
    > > >>> env = oe('/path/to/bh/env')
    > > >>> import acct_mgr.web_ui
    > > >>> env[web_ui.LoginModule]
    > > <acct_mgr.web_ui.LoginModule object at 0x38a9710>
    > > }}}
    > >
    > > --
    > > Regards,
    > >
    > > Olemis - @olemislc
    > >
    > > Apache™ Bloodhound contributor
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > Blog ES:
    > > Blog EN:
    > >
    > > Featured article:
    > >

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