On 9/26/13, Tomasz Lempart <tlemp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello bloodhound team,

Hi !

>      multiproduct functionality for trac is that what I waited a long
> time.


> Is there possibility to configure bloodhound in such way, that one
> user can create and see issues only for one product?

AFAICT , yes .

> For example I have user U and products P1 and P2.

Users are global .

> When I add permission
> TICKET_CREATE for user U in product P1 and not in (Global Settings) then
> P1 cannot add new ticket, beacuse Bloodhound show messages:
> "TICKET_CREATE privileges are required to perform this operation. You
> don't have the required permissions Please contact your administrator or
> team leader to request these."
> If I add permission TICKET_CREATE also in (Global Settings), then user U
> can see both products in create ticket popup and can create tickets for
> both products.

hmmm ... I'll take a look into this . this might be an issue .


Olemis - @olemislc

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