On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Ryan Ollos <ryan.ol...@wandisco.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 12:21 AM, Eric Jouffrey 
> <eric.jouff...@asygn.com>wrote:
>>  I used the solution in #695, but maybe not the version that you send 10
>> days ago. I'm going check differences see if there is some improvement.
>> My repository was defined using web configuration and it's linked to a
>> product.
>> I'm going to try the repository_sync_per_request option. By reload
>> configuration I was thinking that's basically what's happen when you change
>> the log level for example (what resync all changeset)
>> And in our configuration we're using a SQLite database. I've also add
>> some no-cache pragma to templates headers for be sure it wasn't any browser
>> cache issues. And for the "kill -s HUP  $PID", it don't seem to do the
>> trick.
>> I've already done few more tests. And maybe there is something similar on
>> granting right for a product. When I grant new right for a user or a group
>> at product level, each refresh of permission page display randomly that new
>> right or not. Granting right for global level is perfect.
> What you describe sounds like the issue documented in
> https://issues.apache.org/bloodhound/ticket/539.
> I can reproduce the issue you describe with granting permissions. I'm
> testing the patches in #539, but so far I can't see that the issue is
> solved by the patches.

IMO this is closer to #685 . There should not be DB violation error (if
still at all happening for PostgreSQL) because the OP is using SQLite ,
which silently ignores duplicated column names in queries . AFAICT the
patches submitted for #539 are not related to this issue . #539 is mainly
about config whereas #685 is about DB table where permissions are actually
stored .


Olemis - @olemislc

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