On 2/13/15, Patrick West <we...@rpi.edu> wrote:
> Wondering if there's work being done to allow for users to change the
> product. Once you select a product ... that's it.
> Not sure if this is fixed in 0.8 or not? Or if there are any tickets (10+
> pages of results for "change product" search)
> We usually have people create in a default product and would like to move
> the ticket to the correct product once it's been reviewed.

For tickets :

1. Go to /query page (preferably in some product scope)
2. Write a query to select the tickets you'd like to move onto a
different product
3. Select them using the corresponding check boxes
4. In batch modify form select product as the field to be modified
5. Select product prefix in drop down list
6. Submit

AFAICT this this will work for Postgre DB . I do this to move spam
tickets to a special product with prefix TRASH .


Olemis - @olemislc

Apache(tm) Bloodhound contributor

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