On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 11:54 AM, Terry Mark <terry.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> However, when I run bloodhound_setup.py, I invariably get an error.  I had
> read that others had experienced problems with passwords which required
> escaping of some characters, so I ensured that these passwords should not
> require escaping.

Just for reference, the characters that need to be URL-encoded are listed

What am I doing wrong ? I know sqlite3 is supposed to be easier to deploy,
> but we'd really rather figure this out now and use the database we want to
> use from the outset.

You could look in the config file in your environments "config" directory.
You should see trac.ini and another file ... I forget the name, but it
might be bloodhound.ini. I believe the later contains the database string
in the [trac] section. I'd check that it looks correct.

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