if you bring up a new node w/ a different ip but the same token, it
will confuse things.

http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations "handling failure" section
covers best practices here.

On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Todd Burruss <bburr...@real.com> wrote:
> i had a node fail, lost all data.  so i brought it back up fresh, but 
> assigned it the same token in storage-conf.xml.  then ran nodetool repair.
> all compactions have finished, no streams are happening.  nothing.  so i did 
> it again.  same thing.  i don't think its working.  is there a log message i 
> can search for?  INFO is my log level.  i could try it again with debug i 
> suppose.
> thx

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