I'm pretty familiar with EC2, hence the question.  I don't believe any
patches are required to do these things.  Regardless, as I noted in
that ticket, you definitely do NOT need AWS credentials to determine
your availability zone.  It is available through the metadata web
server for each instance as 'placement_availability_zone', avoiding
the need to speak the EC2 API or store credentials in the configs.


On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 2:45 PM, Joe Stump <j...@joestump.net> wrote:
> On Apr 3, 2010, at 1:53 PM, Benjamin Black wrote:
> What specific features are you looking for to operate on EC2?
> It seemed people weren't looking for features, but tools to help with the
> management. The two things we've created that people might be interested in
> are:
> 1. An EC2-specific rack-aware strategy. Basically, you put your AWS
> key/secret into the storage-conf.xml and the node automatically figures out
> what AZ's (that's Amazon speak for data center) each node in the cluster is
> in and then ensures that records are stored in each AZ (depending on your
> replication factor of course). This allows you to spread your writes far and
> wide and keep your reads local to each AZ.
> 2. We've cooked up a lot of Fabric recipes that use Boto to provision an EC2
> instance, bootstrap it, and add it to the cluster. All with  just a few
> commands. It takes us about 5-10 minutes to bootstrap a new node into the
> cluster.
> The rack-aware strategy is attached to a ticket already[1], but I think
> there is a minor bug with the patch.
> --Joe
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-666

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