There is a patch attached to that needs
volunteers to test.

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Mark Greene <> wrote:
> With the 0.6.0 release, the windows cassandra.bat file errors out. There's a
> bug filed for this already. There's a README or something similar in the
> install directory, that tells you the basic CLI operations and explains the
> basic data model.
> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 11:23 PM, S Ahmed <> wrote:
>> Interesting, I'm just finding windows to be a pain, particular starting up
>> java apps. (I guess I just need to learn!)
>> How exactly would you startup Cassandra on a windows machine? i.e when the
>> server reboots, how will it run the java -jar cassandar ?
>> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Joe Stump <> wrote:
>>> On Apr 18, 2010, at 5:33 PM, S Ahmed wrote:
>>> Obviously if you run on windows, it is probably a VERY good idea
>>> to be running cassandra on a linux box.
>>> Actually, I'm not sure this is true. A few people have found Windows
>>> performs fairly well with Cassandra, if I recall correctly. Obviously, all
>>> of the testing and most of the bigger users are running on Linux though.
>>> --Joe

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