I suspect the issue in my case is saturation, or that the node has gone
down.  In the case of saturation, sleeping and retrying seems to be the
fix.  Otherwise setup a new transport/proto/client to a new host in the
cluster.  Ok, got it.

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Roger Schildmeijer

> All the Exceptions are documented on the API page (
> http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/API) on the wiki.
> * UnavailableException -- "Not all the replicas required could be created
> and/or read."
> * TimedOutException -- "The node responsible for the write or read did not
> respond during the rpc interval specified in your configuration (default
> 10s). This can happen if the request is too large, the node is oversaturated
> with requests, or the node is down but the failure detector has not yet
> realized it (usually this takes < 30s)."
> Its hard to give a generic solution proposal. The "proper course of action"
> depends on your application domain.
> As stated on the wiki the reason for timeout exception could be because of
> different reasons.
>   * "request is too large" -- Proposal: try to narrow your request
>   * "node is oversaturated with requests" -- Proposal: using order
> preserving partitioner? try random partitioner for better load balancing.
>       need more nodes in your cluster?
>   * "node is down but the failure detector has not yet realized it":
> altered the phi constant in o.a.c.gsm.FailureDetector (
> phiConvictThreshold_,
>       default == 8)?
> // Roger Schildmeijer
> On 13 maj 2010, at 19.53em, Ian Soboroff wrote:
> I searched the Wiki and the mailing list archives a bit but couldn't find
> the answer.
> If I catch an exception from a Cassandra.Client method, in my case
> batch_mutate, what's the proper course of action?
> Ignoring InvalidRequestException, we  have Unavailable, TimedOut, and
> generic Thrift exceptions.
> Do I just gin up a new client?  Do I need to build the TTransport/Tproto
> bits as well?
> Thanks,
> Ian

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