Tx Nahor/Gary/Ben. I blew everything away, adjusted the seed to Cassandra-ca 
and changed the replication factor.
Now I can see the sample keys being spread across the 3 nodes:
Cassandra-ca holds rows (keys: 1,5,8)
Cassandra-az holds rows (keys: 11,55)
Cassandra-or hodls rows (keys: 88)

I don't see the data being duplicated yet. Am I missing a storage-conf setting? 
I need to proof that if Cassandra-az fails that I can still provide key 11,55. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nahor [mailto:nahor.j+gm...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:25 PM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: Cassandra Cluster Setup

  On 2010-06-03 13:07, Stephan Pfammatter wrote:
> Cassandra-or
> [...]
> <Seeds><Seed>cassandra-or</Seed></Seeds>

Aside from the replication factor noted by Gary, this should point to 
your existing node (cassandra-ca) otherwise, how will this node know 
where existing node is and where to get the data from?

> Cassandra-az
> [...]
> <Seeds><Seed>cassandra-az</Seed></Seeds>

Same here

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