I shall do just that. I did a bunch of tests this morning and the
situation appears to be this:

I have three nodes A, B and C, with RF=2. I understand now why this
issue wasn't apparent with RF=3.

If there are regular intranode column requests going on (e.g. i set up
a pinger to get remote columns), the cluster functions normally.
However, if no intranode column requests happen for a few hours, (3
hours is the minimum I've seen, but sometimes it takes longer), things
go wrong. Using node A as the point of contact from the client, all
columns that live on A are returned in a timely fashion, but for
columns that only live on B & C, the retrieval times out, with this in
the log:

INFO 13:13:28,345 error writing to /

No request for replicas, or consistency checks are seen in the logs of
B & C at this time. Using 'nodetool ring' from each of the three nodes
shows all nodes as Up. Telnet from A to B on port 7000 connects.
Tcpdump logs look like, at first glance, that gossip communication,
perhaps heartbeats, are proceeding normally, but I haven't really
analyzed them.

Fifteen minutes later, the cluster decided to behave normally again.
Everyone talks to each other like buddies and delivers columns fast an

This is really looking like a Cassandra bug. I'll report back with my
TRACE log later and I expect I'll be opening a ticket. The confidence
level of my employer in my Cassandra solution to their petabyte data
storage project is... uh... well... it could be better.


On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:16 PM, Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> set log level to TRACE and see if the OutboundTcpConnection is going
> bad.  that would explain the message never arriving.
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 10:39 AM, AJ Slater <a...@zuno.com> wrote:
>> To summarize:
>> If a request for a column comes in *after a period of several hours
>> with no requests*, then the node servicing the request hangs while
>> looking for its peer rather than servicing the request like it should.
>> It then throws either a TimedOutException or a (wrong)
>> NotFoundExeption.
>> And it doen't appear to actually send the message it says it does to
>> its peer. Or at least its peer doesn't report the request being
>> received.
>> And then the situation magically clears up after approximately 2 minutes.
>> However, if the idle period never occurs, then the problem does not
>> manifest. If I run a cron job with wget against my server every
>> minute, I do not see the problem.
>> I'll be looking at some tcpdump logs to see if i can suss out what's
>> really happening, and perhaps file this as a bug. The several hours
>> between reproducible events makes this whole thing aggravating for
>> detection, debugging and I'll assume, fixing, if it is indeed a
>> cassandra problem.
>> It was suggested on IRC that it may be my network. But gossip is
>> continually sending heartbeats and nodetool and the logs show the
>> nodes as up and available. If my network was flaking out I'd think it
>> would be dropping heartbeats and I'd see that.
>> AJ
>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:26 PM, AJ Slater <a...@zuno.com> wrote:
>>> These are physical machines.
>>> storage-conf.xml.fs03 is here:
>>> http://pastebin.com/weL41NB1
>>> Diffs from that for the other two storage-confs are inline here:
>>> a...@worm:../Z3/cassandra/conf/dev$ diff storage-conf.xml.lpc03
>>> storage-conf.xml.fs01
>>> 185c185
>>>>   <InitialToken>71603818521973537678586548668074777838</InitialToken>
>>> 229c229
>>> <   <ListenAddress></ListenAddress>
>>> ---
>>>>   <ListenAddress></ListenAddress>
>>> 241c241
>>> <   <ThriftAddress></ThriftAddress>
>>> ---
>>>>   <ThriftAddress></ThriftAddress>
>>> 341c341
>>> <   <ConcurrentReads>16</ConcurrentReads>
>>> ---
>>>>   <ConcurrentReads>4</ConcurrentReads>
>>> a...@worm:../Z3/cassandra/conf/dev$ diff storage-conf.xml.lpc03
>>> storage-conf.xml.fs02
>>> 185c185
>>> <   <InitialToken>0</InitialToken>
>>> ---
>>>>   <InitialToken>120215585224964746744782921158327379306</InitialToken>
>>> 206d205
>>> <       <Seed></Seed>
>>> 229c228
>>> <   <ListenAddress></ListenAddress>
>>> ---
>>>>   <ListenAddress></ListenAddress>
>>> 241c240
>>> <   <ThriftAddress></ThriftAddress>
>>> ---
>>>>   <ThriftAddress></ThriftAddress>
>>> 341c340
>>> <   <ConcurrentReads>16</ConcurrentReads>
>>> ---
>>>>   <ConcurrentReads>4</ConcurrentReads>
>>> Thank you for your attention,
>>> AJ
>>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Benjamin Black <b...@b3k.us> wrote:
>>>> Are these physical machines or virtuals?  Did you post your
>>>> cassandra.in.sh and storage-conf.xml someplace?
>>>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:31 AM, AJ Slater <a...@zuno.com> wrote:
>>>>> Total data size in the entire cluster is about twenty 12k images. With
>>>>> no other load on the system. I just ask for one column and I get these
>>>>> timeouts. Performing multiple gets on the columns leads to multiple
>>>>> timeouts for a period of a few seconds or minutes and then the
>>>>> situation magically resolves itself and response times are down to
>>>>> single digit milliseconds for a column get.
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:24 AM, AJ Slater <a...@zuno.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Cassandra 0.6.2 from the apache debian source.
>>>>>> Ubunutu Jaunty. Sun Java6 jvm.
>>>>>> All nodes in separate racks at 365 main.
>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:12 AM, AJ Slater <a...@zuno.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm seing 10s timeouts on reads few times a day. Its hard to reproduce
>>>>>>> consistently but seems to happen most often after its been a long time
>>>>>>> between reads. After presenting itself for a couple minutes the
>>>>>>> problem then goes away.
>>>>>>> I've got a three node cluster with replication factor 2, reading at
>>>>>>> consistency level ONE. The columns being read are around 12k each. The
>>>>>>> nodes are 8GB multicore boxes with the JVM limits between 4GB and 6GB.
>>>>>>> Here's an application log from early this morning when a developer in
>>>>>>> Belgrade accessed the system:
>>>>>>> Jun 17 03:54:17 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: MainThread:pinhole.py:61 |
>>>>>>> Requested image_id: 5827067133c3d670071c17d9144f0b49
>>>>>>> Jun 17 03:54:27 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: MainThread:pinhole.py:76 |
>>>>>>> TimedOutException for Image 5827067133c3d670071c17d9144f0b49
>>>>>>> Jun 17 03:54:27 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: MainThread:zlog.py:105 | Image
>>>>>>> Get took 10005.388975 ms
>>>>>>> Jun 17 03:54:27 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: MainThread:pinhole.py:61 |
>>>>>>> Requested image_id: af8caf3b76ce97d13812ddf795104a5c
>>>>>>> Jun 17 03:54:27 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: MainThread:zlog.py:105 | Image
>>>>>>> Get took 3.658056 ms
>>>>>>> Jun 17 03:54:27 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: MainThread:zlog.py:105 | Image
>>>>>>> Transform took 0.978947 ms
>>>>>>> That's a Timeout and then a successful get of another column.
>>>>>>> Here's the cassandra log for
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:54:17,070 get_slice
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:54:17,071 weakreadremote reading
>>>>>>> SliceFromReadCommand(table='jolitics.com',
>>>>>>> key='5827067133c3d670071c17d9144f0b49',
>>>>>>> column_parent='QueryPath(columnFamilyName='Images',
>>>>>>> superColumnName='null', columnName='null')', start='', finish='
>>>>>>> ', reversed=false, count=100)
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:54:17,071 weakreadremote reading
>>>>>>> SliceFromReadCommand(table='jolitics.com',
>>>>>>> key='5827067133c3d670071c17d9144f0b49',
>>>>>>> column_parent='QueryPath(columnFamilyName='Images',
>>>>>>> superColumnName='null', columnName='null')', start='', finish='
>>>>>>> ', reversed=false, count=100) from 45138@/
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:54:27,077 get_slice
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:54:27,078 weakreadlocal reading
>>>>>>> SliceFromReadCommand(table='jolitics.com',
>>>>>>> key='af8caf3b76ce97d13812ddf795104a5c',
>>>>>>> column_parent='QueryPath(columnFamilyName='Images',
>>>>>>> superColumnName='null', columnName='null')', start='', finish=''
>>>>>>> , reversed=false, count=100)
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:54:27,079 collecting body:false:1...@1275951327610885
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:54:27,080 collecting body:false:1...@1275951327610885
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:54:27,080 Reading consistency digest for 
>>>>>>> af8caf3b76ce97d13812ddf795104a
>>>>>>> 5c from 45...@[/, /]
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:54:50,779 Disseminating load info ...
>>>>>>> It looks like it asks for key='5827067133c3d670071c17d9144f0b49' from
>>>>>>> the local host and also queries for the first one and then
>>>>>>> for 'af8caf3b76ce97d13812ddf795104a5c' it only queries the local host
>>>>>>> and then returns appropriately.
>>>>>>> Here's the log for around that time:
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:54:19,645 Disseminating load info ...
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:55:19,645 Disseminating load info ...
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:56:19,646 Disseminating load info ...
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:57:19,645 Disseminating load info ...
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:58:19,645 Disseminating load info ...
>>>>>>> DEBUG 03:59:19,646 Disseminating load info ...
>>>>>>> DEBUG 04:00:18,635 GC for ParNew: 4 ms, 21443128 reclaimed leaving
>>>>>>> 55875144 used; max is 6580535296
>>>>>>> No record of communication from
>>>>>>> Does this ring any bells for anyone? I can of course attach
>>>>>>> storage-conf's for all nodes if that sounds useful and I'll be on
>>>>>>> #cassandra as ajslater.
>>>>>>> Much thanks for taking a look and any suggestions. We fear we'll have
>>>>>>> to abandon Cassandra if this bug cannot be resolved.
>>>>>>> AJ
> --
> Jonathan Ellis
> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
> co-founder of Riptano, the source for professional Cassandra support
> http://riptano.com

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