Hi all,

I'm having some issues with read consistency level ONE. The Wiki (and other 
sources) say the following:

Will return the record returned by the first node to respond. A consistency 
check is always done in a background thread to fix any consistency issues when 
ConsistencyLevel.ONE is used. This means subsequent calls will have correct 
data even if the initial read gets an older value. (This is called read repair.)

However, when looking at the code, it seems that the read is only directed 
towards the first node that is suitable (and alive). This means that a slow 
node will cause slow responses even though my replication factor is > 1. I 
would expect the read to go to all the suitable nodes and as soon as one of 
those nodes responds, the reply is used (just as the documentation says).

Moving to Quorum reads would solve part of this problem, but with one server 
down and 1 slow one, I'm back to square one. 



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