Hi all - first timer here.

I'm experimenting with Cassandra on Rackspace Cloud.  Started with 4GB nodes 
and saw read latency spikes while streaming was taking place, so I increased to 
8GB to see if limited memory was the issue.  Now I'm seeing very strange 
behavior during any period that writes are taking place.  The entire (6 node) 
cluster seems to pause for periods of as much as 5-8 sec.  By that I mean all 
the stats (cpu, disk, network IO monitored via dstat) drop to zero or near zero 
on all nodes simultaneously.  Does anyone have experience with Cassandra on 
Rackspace or any idea what's going on here?

The pauses are short enough that it's difficult to introspect the application 
and determine what it's doing during the pause, but long enough to cause 
unacceptable latency for any service built on top of it.  

Any ideas or debugging methods would be greatly appreciated,

  -- Oren

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