
I was reading http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/FAQ#iter_world and decided to 
implement the get_range_slices method for listing all keys of a CF. Only thing 
is, it doesn't work that well for me :-)

I do as it says (I think), and take KeyRanges of size N and use the key of the 
last call as start for next call. But, for small N, I keep getting the exact 
same result back from get_range_slices call, making it impossible to know when 
to stop.

For N=5, the first slice of keys I get back is this:

previousLastKey = 
keySlice.getKey() = xaspays
keySlice.getKey() = xasfbbe
keySlice.getKey() = xaspaua
keySlice.getKey() = xasaapz
keySlice.getKey() = xascajz

I then call with previousLastKey = xascajz and get:

previousLastKey = xascajz
keySlice.getKey() = xascajz
keySlice.getKey() = xasgacr
keySlice.getKey() = xasfaem
keySlice.getKey() = xasfdco
keySlice.getKey() = xasfdeg

I then call with previousLastKey =  xasfdeg and get:

previousLastKey = xasfdeg
keySlice.getKey() = xasfdeg
keySlice.getKey() = xasfdad
keySlice.getKey() = xascaiv
keySlice.getKey() = xasfaqf
keySlice.getKey() = xasfdeg <--- ENDS IN THE SAME KEY AS PREVIOUS SLICE ?

... the above 5 keys keep getting back as the exact same result :-(

If I set N higher, like 100, I get all my (2492) rows...


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