Thanks for your suggestion.

Does it work if insertion through thrift client, and reading through
cassandra directly like ClientOnlyExample?

2010/7/21 Santal Li <>

> I think build a ColumnValueFilter isn't a good idea, you really needs was a
> self defined index, otherwise filter will cause too many scan and disk IO.
> we have meet almost same problem as yours in our own webapp: store data in
> one fields, then get data by search on another fields. Our solution is
> create a new KeySpace for index, them maintains the index by query
> conditions at application. Suggest you read this document, for get
> basic idea
> .
> if you using this solution, maybe you need consider bellow issue:
> 1. multi client concurrent access
> 2. index and object data maybe inconsistence during error.
> Some kind of lock service maybe help, like ZooKeeper.
> Regards
> -Santal
> 2010/7/19 Chen Xinli <>
> Hi,
>> I want to implement goods search with cassandra; and I have some
>> confusings. Can someone help me out?
>> The case is that:
>> There are about 1 million shops, every shop with about 10,000 goods, every
>> goods with property like "title", "price" etc..
>> The search is like "give me 10 goods in a specific shop and the price of
>> the goods should be less than  10$"
>> For the data model, I use shop name as the key; goods id as the column
>> name and "title", "price" are special encoded as column value .
>> There are too many goods in one shop, filtering the data in thrift client
>> is impossible for network transferring reason.
>> I want to implement a special ColumnValueFilter extends QueryFilter to get
>> the result in "local".
>> Is this the best way?
>> Insertion of goods is about 100/second for the whole cluster, so a thrift
>> client for insertion is ok.
>> For reads, latency and qps are important and I must provide a http service
>> for user searching.
>> Embedding a thrift client in such a service will involve another network
>> transferring, so I want to build the service on top of cassandra directly.
>> I reviewed the code of
>> What makes me confusing is that: insertion through thrift client and
>> reading through using cassandra directly, is data consistency promised and
>> how?
>> Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> Chen Xinli

Best Regards,
Chen Xinli

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