The proper way to handle this is to have a row per time interval such
that the number of columns per row is constrained.

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 2:39 PM, Mark <> wrote:
> Is there any limitations on the number of columns a row can have? Does all
> the day for a single key need to reside on a single host? If so, wouldn't
> that mean there is an implicit limit on the number of columns one can
> have... ie the disk size of that machine.
> What is the proper way to handle timelines in this matter. For example lets
> say I wanted to store all user searches in a super column.
> <ColumnFamily Name="SearchLogs"
>                    ColumnType="Super"
>                    CompareWith="TimeUUIDType"
>                    CompareSubcolumnsWith="BytesType"/>
> Which results in a structure as follows
> {
>   SearchLogs : {
>       "foo" : {
>            timeuuid_1 : { metadata goes here}
>            timeuuid_2: { metadata goes here}
>       },
>       "bar" : {
>            timeuuid_1 : { metadata goes here}
>            timeuuid_2: { metadata goes here}
>       }
>  }
> }
> Couldn't this theoretically run out of columns for the same search term
> because for each unique term there can (and will) be many timeuuid columns?
> Thanks for clearing this up for me.

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