that's the token range

so node#1 is from 1600.. to 429..
node#2 is from 429... to 1600...

hopefully others can chime into confirm.

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 12:30 PM, Mark <> wrote:

> I'm running a 2 node cluster and when I run nodetool ring I get the
> following output
> Address         Status State   Load            Token
> 160032583171087979418578389981025646900
>  Up     Normal  42.28 MB
>  42909338385373526599163667549814010691
>   Up     Normal  42.26 MB
>  160032583171087979418578389981025646900
> The columns/values are pretty much self explanatory except for the first
> line. What is this value?
> Thanks

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