>From NEWS.txt: "Row size limit increased from 2GB to 2 billion columns."

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Courtney Robinson <sa...@live.co.uk> wrote:

>  Are there any  limits (implied or otherwise) on how many columns there
> can be in a single row?
> My understanding has always been that there is no limit on how many columns
> you can have in a single row
> but i've just read Arin's, WTF is a super column post again and i got the
> impression he was saying that if its a normal
> row i.e not Super, there is a limit but if the said row is within a
> structure of type Super then there is a potentially unbounded
> amount of columns to be had.
> Is my original understanding correct, have i just misinterpreted his
> article?
> regards,
> Courtney
  • Row limits Courtney Robinson
    • Re: Row limits roger schildmeijer

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