I wrote some thoughts about this on my blog. I think it's still mostly correct:

 * http://www.ayogo.com/techblog/2010/04/sorting-in-cassandra/

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Wicked J <wickedj2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using TimeUUID/Sort by column name mechanism. The column value can
> contain text data (in future they may contain image data as well) leading to
> the possibility of a row out-growing the RAM capacity. Given this background
> my questions are:
> a] How many columns are recommended against one row? Based on my app. needs,
> I can imagine having 10 million would be a good starting point for the
> max_limit (based on text data). Also note that my app. will use search in
> ranges of 100 or 200 columns when there are large number of records(columnar
> data) without a caching solution in the front.
> b] What partitioner is recommended? so that the load in the cluster nodes is
> not largely uneven.
> c] Would you recommend changing the TimeUUID/Columnar sort mechanism (with a
> change in the data model) to sort using row key mechanism? If so then what
> partitioner is recommended?  with load not being largely uneven.
> Thanks

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