On 21/10/2010 4:43, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Jérôme Verstrynge<jvers...@gmail.com>  wrote:
-) Let's imagine node A updates MyColumn with value 'AAA' and timestamp
-) Let's imagine node E updates MyColumn with value 'EEE' and timestamp

What happens? Who wins? Is it deterministic?
value breaks ties if timestamps are identical, so AAA would win.
OK. Thanks for your quick answer.

Let's imagine node A performs 3 writes before node E, is any node notified
of the collision?
I don't understand the question.
If there is a timestamp tie, then 'AAA' wins. So node E's call to Cassandra's write method will return without being performed, because node A's 'AAA' won the timestamp tie.

My question is: is node E notified that it lost the battle against A? If yes how?

If not, then it means that, although writes are atomic, they would not be deterministic. Node E would have to verify that its write was successful...


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