this is detail info.

ColumnFamily: PostInbox (Super)
      Columns sorted by:
      Subcolumns sorted by: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type
      Row cache size / save period: 0.0/0
      Key cache size / save period: 200000.0/3600
      Memtable thresholds: 0.571875/122/60
      GC grace seconds: 864000
      Compaction min/max thresholds: 4/32

get PostInbox['1Ww9DAaR4t0A6L'] as UTF8Type
=> (super_column=total_unread,
     (column=2WwADF3V3A0A5b, value=3157774143474948446e30413435,

2010/11/19 Aaron Morton <>

> Not sure how you are reading the data, but try setting the comparator to
> ASCII or similar. This will tell Cassandra that the column names are
> strings.
> Aaron
> On 19/11/2010, at 4:47 PM, xie jinlin <> wrote:
> Hi:
>    I get column value from  cassandra 0.6 as " (column=2WwADF3V3A0A5b,
> value=1WwACGIHDn0A45, timestamp=1286949750195000))" format
>   but get "  (column=2WwADF3V3A0A5b, value=3157774143474948446e30413435,
> timestamp=1286949750195000))" from 0.7 beta3
>   how can I get the column value in human-readable format as like as
> from cassandra 0.6 in  0.7 beta3
> Best Regards.

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