On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Rustam Aliyev <rus...@code.az> wrote:

> Also, I noticed that you can specify multiple data file directories located
> on different disks. Let's say if I have machine with 4 x 500GB drives, what
> would be the difference between following 2 setups:
>    1. each drive mounted separately and has data file dirs on it (so 4x
>    data file dirs)
>    2. disks are in RAID0 and mounted as one drive with one data folder on
>    it
> In other words, does splitting data folder into smaller ones bring any
> performance or stability advantages?

It brings disadvantages.  Your largest CF will be limited to the size of
your smallest drive, and you won't be using them in parallel when
compacting.  RAID0 is the better option.


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