Oops, I made one typo there. It should be:

"my_long = my_long >> 8;"

That is, shift by a byte, not a bit.
- Tyler

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 10:50 PM, Tyler Hobbs <ty...@riptano.com> wrote:

> Here's an example:
> int64_t my_long = 12345678;
> char chars[8];
> for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
> chars[i] = my_long & 0xff;
> my_long = my_long >> 1;
> }
> std::string str_long(chars, 8);
> Column c1;
> c1.name = str_long;
> // etc ...
> Basically, Thrift expects a string which is a big-endian binary
> representation of a long. When you create the std::string, you have to
> specify the length of the char[] so that it doesn't terminate the string on
> a 0x00 byte.
> The approach is similar for integers and UUIDs.
> - Tyler
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Jaydeep Chovatia <
> jaydeep.chova...@openwave.com> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> I have configured Cassandra Column Family (standard CF) of LongType. If I
>> try to insert data (using batch_mutate) in this Column Family then it
>> shows me following error: “*A long is exactly 8 bytes”. *I have tried
>> assigning column name of 8 bytes, 7 bytes, etc. but it shows same error.
>> Please find my sample program details:
>> *Platform*: Linux
>> *Language*: C++, Cassandra Thrift interface
>>         Column c1;
>>         c1.name = "12345678";
>>         c1.value = SString(len).AsPtr();
>>         c1.timestamp = curTime;
>>         columns.push_back(c1);
>> Any help on this would be appreciated.
>> Thank you,
>> Jaydeep

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