Dear rajat,

Yes it is possible, I have the same constraints. However I must warn you,
from what I see Cassandra memory consumption is not bounded in 0.6.X on
debian 64 Bit

Here is an example of an instance launch in a node :

root     19093  0.1 28.3 1210696 *570052* ?      Sl   Jan11   9:08
/usr/bin/java -ea -Xms128M *-Xmx512M *-XX:+UseParNewGC
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:SurvivorRatio=8
-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
-Dstorage-config=bin/../conf -Dcassandra-foreground=yes -cp

Look at the second bold value, Xmx indicates the maximum memory that
cassandra can use; it is set to be 512, so it could easily fit into 1 Gb.
Now look at the first one, 570Mb > 512 Mb. Moreover if I come back in one
day the first value will be even higher. Probably around 610 Mb. Actually it
increases to the point where I need to restart it otherwise other program
are shut down by Linux for cassandra to further expand its memory usage...

By the way it's a call to other cassandra users, am I the only one to
encounter this problem ?

Best regards,

Victor K.

2011/1/14 Rajat Chopra <>

> Hello.
> According to  JVM heap size topic at
> , Cassandra would need
> atleast 1G of memory to run. Is it possible to have a running Cassandra
> cluster with machines that have less than that memory… say 512M?
> I can live with slow transactions, no compactions etc, but do not want an
> OutOfMemory error. The reason for a smaller bound for Cassandra is that I
> want to leave room for other processes to run.
> Please help with specific parameters to tune.
> Thanks,
> Rajat

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