On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Victor Kabdebon

> As far as I remember, please correct me if I am wrong, on a one node
> cluster :
> First Commitlog is updated then almost immediatly after order is send to
> the memtable to add this new insert. You might have a very short delay
> between the two. I don't know your configuration but especially if you
> insert from a distant server to a node you should look at their sync..
> Otherwise if it doesn't appear I can offer no explanation for this
> behavior...

As of now, I am on an app server with an embedded cassandra server, so no
possibility of clocks out-of-sync.

So, I understand from you that client call returns after updating the commit
log and updates to memtables are async after that - with how-much-ever short
a delay tried by Cassandra?

And the reads are always off memtables?

So, theoretically, there is a possibility of a read missing a write because
it has not come to memtables from the commit log yet?

Is there anything that I can tell about my configuration that would help?

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