> >  is "d.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();" ok?
> You are correct that microseconds would be better but for the test it
> doesn't matter that much. 

Have you tried. I'm very new to cassandra as well, and always uncertain
as to what to expect...

> ByteBuffer bbKey = ByteBufferUtil.clone(ByteBuffer.wrap(key.getBytes(), 0, 
> key.getLength())); 

An alternative approach to your client-side cloning is 

  ByteBuffer bbKey = ByteBuffer.wrap(key.toString().getBytes(UTF_8)); 

Here at least it is obvious you are passing in the bytes from an immutable 

As far as moving the clone(..) into ColumnFamilyRecordWriter.write(..)
won't this hurt performance? Normally i would _always_ agree that a
defensive copy of an array/collection argument be stored, but has this
intentionally not been done (or should it) because of large reduce jobs
(millions of records) and the performance impact here.

The key isn't the only potential live byte[]. You also have names and
values in all the columns (and supercolumns) for all the mutations.


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